NATE Board Election Results

Fri, November 29, 2019 5:06 PM | Monica Pielage

The NATE Election is now complete.

We are pleased to announce the 2020 NATE Board members are:
Carolyn Bigley (middle of 2 year term)
Susan Brogan (middle of 2 year term)
Kelly Ernewein-Stilson (middle of 2 year term)
Monica Pielage (middle of 2 year term)
Chris Roeder (reelected)
Eric Sanford (newly elected)
They will determine the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer for the year at the 2020 January Board meeting.
Thank you to everyone willing to be nominated for the Board and donate their time serving on the Board.
A special Thank You to Marcia Barkley and Alyssa Borek for all their hard work on this years's Nominating Committee.

Susan Brogan
Nominating Committee Chairperson