
Mon, September 04, 2023 8:27 AM | Chris Roeder (Administrator)

Chuck and Lucas

Congratulations to Chuck and Lucas from North Carolina for earning their Novice Balls N Order title! Watch as this tiny sheltie enthusiastically plays the game with his handler!  What a sweet team! Great job!

Lisa and Larson

Congratulations to Lisa and Larson from North Carolina for earning their Novice Urban Herding title! Watch as this sassy sheltie makes the game look easy! Now onto training for Intermediate!

Sandy and Chase

Super-duper congratulations to Sandy and Chase from Indiana! This is NATE’s 5th team to earn their Champion title (NTECH)! What a lot of work and a huge accomplishment! Great job, Team Chase!

Sandy and Chase (Again!)

Let’s super-duper celebrate Sandy and Chase from Indiana! This team put in tons of hard work and awesome training to earn their Versatility Champion title (V-NTECH)! That’s 10 qualifying runs in the following 3 classes: Outstanding Expert Standard, Outstanding Expert Balls N Order and Outstanding Expert Urban Herding! Congratulations on this grand accomplishment!