Titles from ITC Trial

Thu, July 20, 2023 9:01 AM | Chris Roeder (Administrator)

Karen and Sami

Two cheers for Karen and Sami from Ohio for earning two new titles at the June Indy trial.  This team just received their Novice Standard and Novice Balls N Order titles.  Congratulations!

Peggy and Eddie

Let’s celebrate Peggy and Eddie from Kentucky.  This team just earned two new titles at the June Indy trial:  Novice Standard and Novice Balls N Order.  Great job Team Eddie! Congratulations!

Sandy and Chase X 3

Hip-hip-hooray for Sandy and Chase from Indiana.  This team just earned their Expert Balls N Order title at the June Indy trial!!  Great job, Team Chase!

Another Congratulations goes out to Sandy and Chase from Indiana!!  This team has been busy earning two new titles at the June Indy trial:  Intermediate Snooker and Novice Standard Pairs!  Keep up the great work!